Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tough Day . . . I don't know why

A really bad thing happened to me. I am still very angry about what happened! I still want to cry about it. People think I’m strong. I am not. All I want to do is cry. I think about it. Whenever I think about it . . . I still can’t believe it happened. But it did. And I hate it! If I could turn back time, I would . . . but that is not possible. Why is this coming up now? I don’t know. I really don’t know much, but I’m having a rough day. I was told this was going to happen from time to time. I want to be a strong woman . . . I want to so BAD! Why do I keep letting him affect me like this?

Can’t think of it like that. HE already did his thing. HE already hurt me. It’s over now. I am doing fine. I cannot let him ruin my life. He is in the past. I am now. I have a good life. I have a wonderful husband. I have fantastic parents. I have a great brother and sister. I have unbelievable in-laws (both mom and dad and bro and sis), and my friends are just remarkable.

Thank you for standing by me through this. I know it has been a while since it has happened, but you are my rocks. You are what keeps me sane. The fact that it still hits me and that you are still with me . . . I couldn’t ask for more. I love you all!